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The CPE course provides a concise overview of how accountants can instantly and dramatically improve their Google search skills. Discover how to use the search service to spot opportunities and threats in your enterprise landscape earlier and faster. You'll walk away with scores of practical online discovery lessons that can be immediately applied, deliver instant results and serve you forever in both your professional and personal life.

Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • When reviewing the Google results page, practitioners will be able to identify at least 5 advanced query filters. These are not visible in the main interface and can only be seen by expanding a toolbar under user control.
  • When entering keywords into Google, practitioners will be able to construct at least 12 different types of advanced queries. These give additional information to Google and help refine searches.
  • When tracking a topic they want to follow on Google, practitioners will be able to create at least 5 different types of Google alerts. These send emails when new results for a topic show up in Google search.
  • After creating a Google account, practitioners will be able to develop at least 2 different Google profiles one personal, one business. These profiles help consolidate information that Google has collected about a practitioner and their operations. The profiles also help practitioners control what others see about them across Google services.
  • When using different Internet devices, practitioners will be able to distinguish at least 4 ways Google search results may vary depending on the size and type of gadget they are using.

Topics Covered:
  • Getting Google Ready
  • Google Personalization and Optimization
  • Google Eyes and Ears: How Google Can Literally Read, Hear and See You
  • Googling to Your Own Devices: How Results Vary by Computer
  • Hiding in Plain Sight: What Youre Missing on the Google Results Page
  • Google Sweet Talk
  • Power Search Tools
  • Google Mobile Tools
  • Google Verticals
  • How to Be a Google Super Searcher: Key Strategies

Who Will Benefit/Target Audience:

This course is intended for an accounting professional who routinely uses Google to gather information, and wants to take their online discovery skills to the next level.

Prerequisite Knowledge

Participants should have a basic understanding of Internet technology, online navigation, and digital productivity services.

Credit Hours: 3
NASBA Field of Study: Information Technology
Instructional Method: Video
Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Advanced Preperation:: NONE
Knowledge Level: Basic
Program Prerequisites:: CPAs and other participants should have a basic understanding of Internet technology, online navigation, and digital productivity services.
Course Duration in Hours: 3
Skill Level: Beginner

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