This CPE course provides a concise overview of Googles suite of location intelligence tools. These applications can be used by accountants to prepare geographic visualizations, create collaborative maps, derive insights from geospatial data, analyze spatial relationships, and make better business decisions from an accounting perspective.
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- When considering location intelligence services, practitioners will be able to identify at least 5 ways geographic technologies can drive business value and uncover new insights.
- When using Google Lens, practitioners will be able to explain at least 5 different ways the app can conduct visual and geographic searches.
- When navigating Google Location History, practitioners will be able to point out at least 5 ways the service tracks your whereabouts and past travel.
- When using Google Maps, practitioners will be able to share their real-time location with at least 10 other individuals.
- When interacting with Google MyMaps, practitioners will be able to create at least 50 digital maps that can be designed with custom icons and markers.
Topics Covered:
- What is location intelligence?
- Leading case studies
- Googles suite of location intelligence services
- Google Assistant
- Google Lens
- Google Location History
- Google Maps and MyMaps
- Google Local Guides
- Google Tour Builder
- Google Maps Platform
- Google Market Finder
- Google Analytics
Who Will Benefit/Target Audience:
Practitioners who want to use Googles location tools to better gather and analyze geographic data and improve their spatial awareness of business and accounting operations.
Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants should have a basic understanding of Internet technology, onlinenavigation, and digital productivity services.
- Author: Garrett Wasny
Credit Hours: 3
NASBA Field of Study: Information Technology
Instructional Method: Video
Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Advanced Preperation:: NONE
Knowledge Level: Basic
Program Prerequisites:: Participants should have a basic understanding of Internet technology, onlinenavigation, and digital productivity services.
Course Duration in Hours: 3
Skill Level: Beginner